Make your journey towards E-learning effortless with these 3 awesome hacks!

Maham Ahmad
3 min readAug 31, 2020


The way we educate is constantly changing, and we have witnessed a profound desire for revolutionizing this art, not least because of factors that range from an economic recession to the introduction of alternate forms of teaching to the Covid19 pandemic.

As education has evolved, so too has the concept of e-learning. For those who are entirely new to this, e-learning can be defined as the act of creating and passing along knowledge on online platforms and forums. You now see people getting entire degrees on the internet, or parents who never thought they could afford the time for homeschooling actually giving it a go. There are some super innovative virtual edtech platforms to help, such as,, and, but although there have been a lot of breakthroughs in this arena, someone clever once noted, “People expect to be bored by eLearning — let’s show them it doesn’t have to be like that!”

So, with that said, here are some techniques I researched that could help make this happen.

  1. Learn as a group

Studying virtually can make a person feel like a one-man-army, striving alone for the feat of knowledge — but, it does not have to be that way. The prime benefit of using online platforms such as, and is that it is a one way ticket to meeting people from across the globe! Invite a few friends to study with you or form a group online, learn with people and from them. This practice will completely change your paradigm of learning online.

Open discussions, unique perspectives will lead to constructive information sharing that is priceless. Whenever you get stuck over a problem, believe me, your group will be your savior to sorting it out. E-learning is tricky and can seem daunting, but with the right party of people around you, it will be an experience you will always want to go back to.

  1. Routine, Routine, Routine

Productivity requires commitment. At the end of the day, your output will be the result of small tasks completed every day. Set milestones, break it down into individual goals for each day and start from there. There are many user-friendly tools available online to help you create schedules such as and

Having a routine does not mean at all that you should get stuck in a rut. Mix and match the activities you plan, and explore all your options. Just make sure you start your day with a plan and end it knowing what progress you made in those 24 hours.

  1. Gain knowledge at your own pace

This is something we absolutely need to understand; every person learns at their own speed. The cognitive ability of each individual to comprehend and retain knowledge is unique to each person. To make the most of your efforts in e-learning, try and figure this out for yourself. Which is the pace you feel most comfortable at? How should the lessons be broken down to accommodate your learning? What is the maximum load of work you believe you can handle? Overall you need to know what kind of environment makes you the most productive. Be comfortable in your skin, improve your thought processes and work consistently and it all will come to you in due time.

We may overlook these, but having unbounded, constant access to knowledge is a blessing staring us right in the eye. Recognize it, hone it, capture it! When you make the most out of it, you’ll see results for sure.

